Cisco Unity Give End User Administrator Access

So working on another request that came through it was to allow administration access for a domain user to unity. Unity has class of service under subscribers that you can setup to allow the setup to either give administrative abilities or regular subscriber abilities.

The image to the left shows the template of what the categories look like. We will have to go under the class of service tab.

           NEXT .....

After going into the Class of Service Tab you will see some of this nature with a "Default Subscriber". Also we can create or see another class for administrative access. 

For this purpose we will use the Default Administrator Templates:

So go to the upper right hand and search so we can find the Default Administrator Account or create one. 

We are now in the Default Administrator Account.

In the account to the left under "Class of Service" we see System Access. 

This is where we will see the Administrative Privileges to assign to a subscriber.

There is a tool that Unity uses. It is the Cisco Unity Tools Depot. From there click on the tool and go under the Diagnostic Tools Folder.  In there we will grant a user administrative access by associating him or her to EAdmin.  Now double click the GrantUnityAccess tool to open a command prompt window utilizing the tool.

Type the following without quotes:

" GrantUnityAccess -l " 

This will bring up a list of both subscribers and Directory Accounts associated to the Installer / EAdmin accounts.

In order to associate a domain user to the EAdmin account as well we will type the following:

"GrantUnityAccess -u DOMAINHERE\UserAccount -s EAdmin

The following is an example association of a specific user using the enterprise domain of The user is Joe Schmoe. His login username is JSchmoe

" GrantUnityAccess -u blogspot\JSchmoe -s EAdmin"


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